Please note Lorrie's gang sign...apparently "Tre Amici" is more than just a company name. Look for our logo tagged on a cement wall near you.
After being up all night painting signs, I believe Anne Marie summed it up the best, "I hate my friends for making me do this show." We concur.
This was Lorrie's welcoming glance to me at our alarmingly early pre-show Starbucks meeting. I don't think she even said hello to me.....
So I might have put the hooks on upside least I put them on....
Good thing Keith bought us a camping heater. Too bad Anne Marie nearly burned her leg off! Truly, we may be THREE amici, but it is quite possible that we are only ONE brain...
The classic Tre Amici pose
Tent up....
Tent down....
Saturday brought rain and sun and rain and sun and, well, VERY UNPREDICTABLE WEATHER!
I think we set up and took down our tent at least 27 times. I'm also pretty sure Anne Marie pulled something in her back with the amount of times she took her jacket on and off. Honestly, though, the weather was so crazy that day. Even if we tried, we could not have created any expectations to be exceeded or disappointed, for that matter. As a result, we were simply impressed that we made it through the day!
Truly, the weather was not that bad. When the sun was out it was gorgeous and we sold quite a few signs! We even started some big, new marketing plans which we reveal to all of our fans very soon - stay tuned!
As for now, we wanted to show you just how cool the Garden Expo was. After 11 years of doing this, the Expo people have really created a fan base. So many people came and stocked up on gorgeous plants and garden decor. There was always something interesting in every corner. Naturally, our booth looked the best - or was it US that looked the best??? I can't recall...